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Generative Art - Project 3 - Brachiation

Published: 2022.03.08


Here we go - the final project.

To give the best effort to my capstone from here on out, I wanted to focus on brachiation in this project as well. How can this project be an artistic experience?

Use blueprints to determine state and set angular motors from that, how to work in the PD control?!

Using angular motors: https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/Resources/ContentExamples/Physics/1_6/

How will movement be scored? Read Karl Sim's work

Implement DiffEQ solver on its own first, then bring into Unreal after you have the math down


Today, I presented a blueprint version of my double pendulum in class. The logic is simple; when the free arm's Z velocity goes from positive to negative, the free arm is locked and the locked arm is released. This is very smooth, but affords no control as to where the handholds should be.


Today I presented some progress in class on the pendulum solver. At the moment, I am adding impulses based on the distance of the free arm to the next handhold point - however, I will also need to keep in mind the other forces that are currently acting on the object.


A list of tasks for today: Think about how the constraint force and gravity combine, figure out how to offset Work on a smarter handhold approach system so that limbs don’t just snap Find a way to better enforce the angle constraints and control them using the motor. Calculate an angular orientation Figure out how to limit the twisting at the handholds (rotation around Z, up axis)


Today, I defended my capstone; the focus of the work was setting up the technology behind brachiation and getting it to work in the engine. The focus of the generative art portion of my presentation is on making the piece into something more suitable for exhibition. I plan to gamify the experience, as the program is already in a game engine. The most critical piece is to add an interface to start and stop the simulation, and drag and drop to change positions of the handholds.


I will be working on the UI of the application next as the final project won't involve the Unreal Editor. Here is an inspiration for the interface I plan to use (it's relatively simple).

A simulator interface I was inspired by


This week I spent time working on the Unreal Motion Graphics system, as it would let me add an interface to my game. Although the goal was purely aesthetic, I quickly saw many different technical concepts emerge. The most critical issue had to do with weird physics during a restart. It was necessary for restarts to work within the interface as that is part of the user experience.

UI mockup example

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